Forum Geometricorum

 Instructions to Authors



 Manuscripts may be submitted electronically to or by regular mail to


 Paul Yiu,

 Department of Mathematics, Florida Atlantic University,

 Boca Raton, Florida, 33431-0991, USA



Authors should make sure that the manuscripts submitted are ready for refereeing.  Authors submitting an article

to Forum Geometricorum affirm that the same manuscript is not concurrently submitted to another publication. 


Preparation of Manuscripts

Manuscripts submitted to Forum Geometricorum should be prepared in one of the following formats:


(1) LaTeX with diagrams imbedded in the form of eps files, or

(2) MicroSoft Word with diagrams imbedded, if any, or

(3) ordinary typescript.



Upon acceptance of a paper for publication in Forum Geometricorum, the author(s) will be asked to sign

a COPYRIGHT TRANSFER form and to provide a final version of the paper in one the following forms:


(1) LaTeX files with diagrams imbedded in the form of eps files, or

(2) MicroSoft Word with diagrams imbedded, TOGETHER with a PLAIN TEXT file of the manuscript, or

(3) ordinary typescript, together with a PLAIN TEXT file of the manuscript.



Shortly before a paper is published, the author will receive a set of proof pages. Please proof-read VERY carefully

for any corrections and/or minor changes. No changes will be made (or should be made) once the paper is published,

though in case of erroneous mathematical statements, a separate correction may be issued.



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Last modified by Paul Yiu, June 12, 2018