Instructions for viewing and downloading FG papers

All FG papers are published in postscript (ps) format and portable document format (pdf). To view and print the pdf file, you will need Acrobat Reader, which is freely downloadable from 

To view and print the ps file, you will need Gsview and Ghostscript, which can be downloaded from the Internet. Click here to download Gsview and here to download Ghostscript from our server (both are for MS Windows; for other systems,  please go to .) 

In general there is no problem viewing the pdf file with Acrobat Reader. However, it is known that printing the pdf file with Acrobat Reader sometimes results in missing fonts and incorrect mathematical symbols. So we strongly recommand that you download the ps file for printing as well as for viewing. The ps version of the paper looks much better on screen, and printing quality is also much better than that of pdf version of the paper, in particular if you use a color printer. The ps file is the way to go.

To get good results on screen you will need to configure your GSview. Open GSview and then select Media on the top menu bar. Within Media, click Display settings and set zoom resolution to 300,  set Depth to 24, set Text Alpha to 4, and set Graphics Alpha to 4.

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Last modified by Xiao-Dong Zhang, on December 10, 2001